Sunday, 6 March 2011

Silverstone Half

Bit of a gap in updates but back with race day information.

Last couple of weeks have been dogged with on going achilles issues, keep thinking it is healing and then next day limping again. Still it hurts less when I run than if I walk - looking for the positive - more incentive to keep running !

So today was the Silverstone Half, so after the successes of Wokingham a few weeks ago I turned up..... pretty battered and not in great shape. Another brutal gym session (note to self, two days after is the worse so don't make that a race day!!! Doh!) so drove up this morning and my legs were feeling sore and empty, and they were in the best shape of all of me! Oops...

So this is the second time for this race for me so a good test.... 10,000 runners. I arrived and it was cloudy, overcast and FREEEEEEZING! with a good wind to drop another couple of degrees off. The race start was delayed by 10 minutes due to traffic congestion holding people up - which meant getting even colder at the start line. BUT just as we started to bunch up to cross the start line .... the sun came out. :o)

But I have to say it was madness at the start. The number of people crossing the start shout come on let's go for it and then charging off at break neck speed. Did my best to try and stay at my steady slow speed.... didn't quiet make it so went faster than planned for first 6 miles (by about a minute a mile!). Achilles was tight and sore from the very start so mind games were order of play again.

I seem to have better concentration this year and even when I was struggling I just held it together, relaxed and took a smooth line (not the darting to get ahead of people I did last year).

So what can I say - consistent speed. Within 44 seconds of the target I set myself. 7 seconds faster than last year. Massively more consistent run. And off to book some physic tomorrow to try and fix my leg! :o)

Next week is the Grindleford Gallop - 21 miles of fells near Sheffield. The tests are coming fast now! and less than six weeks  to London...

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